新诗大众化的核心问题,是如何将新诗变为大众的诗,让大众读者能够读懂。从百年新诗史的大众化事实看,中国新诗大众化传播接受诗学作为一种历史文化诗学,具有 三大思想内容:一是新诗大众化的“大众”不是抽象名词,而是随时代语境改变而变动的特定 “大众”;二是读者作为传播者和接受者,其阅读反应是新诗文本是否属于大众化文本的评判依据;三是新诗大众化的核心内容是文本大众化。一百年来,新诗大众化因时而动,具有时 代性与反思性。中国新诗大众化传播接受诗学是在百年新诗建构历史过程中逐渐形成的,是客观存在的诗学形态,具有中国现代性特征并向未来敞开。但是,作为一种文化实践性诗 学,它在言说逻辑上有时存在着语义传达大众化和诗意表达大众化相混淆的问题。
The Popularization and Reception of Chinese New Poetry
Fang Chang'an(Wuhan University)
Abstract The core issue of the popularization and reception of Chinese new poetry is how to transform new poetry into a form more accessible to the general public by allowing the average readers to understand it. From the fact of popularization in the history of modern Chinese poetry over the past century, the dissemination and acceptance of modern Chinese poetry as a cultural and historical poetics contain three major ideological contents: First, the "general public" in the popularization of new poetry are not an abstract term but a specific "public" that changes with the times; second, the readers, as both disseminators and recipients, whose response serves as the basis to judge whether certain new poetry text as popularized; third, the core content of the popularization of new poetry is the popularization of text itself. Over the past century, the popularization of new poetry has been dynamic, always responding to the call of the times and reflections. The poetics of the popularization and reception of Chinese new poetry has gradually formed in the historical process of the construction of hundred-year-old new poetry, representing an objectively existing poetic form with characteristics of Chinese modernity and openness to the future. However, as a practical poetics, it sometimes confuses the popularization of semantic expression with that of poetic expression in its logic of discourse.
Key words the changing public; textual popularization; reader-based theory; value of modernity; poetic reflection
■作者简介 方长安,武汉大学文学院教授,湖北 武汉 430072。