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从马克思的分配正义思想看共同富裕问题发布时间:2024-10-29  点击数:
作 者:王益
摘 要:



On the Issue of Common Prosperity from Marx's Thought Of Distributive Justice

Wang YiZhongnan University of Economics and Law

Abstract To realize common prosperity requires a fair distribution system as supportand Marx's thought of distributive justice has significant guiding significance for China's modernization path to common prosperity. By clarifying the overall relationship between distribution and production, Marx directed the criticism of capitalist distributive justice towards the capitalist system, revealing the illusory nature of its distributive justice and the pursuit of equality, and indicating that the public ownership of productive assets is the institutional foundation for achieving common prosperity. Marx's political philosophy adheres to the principle of historicism, which stresses that the connotation and realization of distribution justice and equality are closely related to the development of productivity, and clarifies the historical inevitability, rationality, and necessity of the principle of distribution according to one's work in the primary stage of communism, all of which is beneficial for clarifying the stage-specific relationship between the principle and common prosperity. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", as the distributive justice at the advanced stage of communism, takes everyone's fulfillment of their "needs" as the principle of distribution, transcending the distributive justice of "material" logic and integrating both reality and ideality, and implies a value orientation towards equality of outcome. Therefore, to combine one's free yet well-rounded development with common prosperity, helps grasp the connotation and realization conditions of common prosperity in a more balanced way.

Key words Marx; distributive justice; common prosperity; distribution according to labor; distribution according to need


■作者简介  王 益,中南财经政法大学马克思主义学院讲师,湖北省社会主义核心价值观研究中心研究员,湖北 武汉 430073
