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当代西方学者对马克思主义生产力概念的三种解读方式发布时间:2024-10-29  点击数:
作 者:余卫东 王楠
摘 要:



Three Interpretations of Marxist Productivity By Contemporary Western Scholars

Yu WeidongWang NanHubei University

Abstract Productivity is a fundamental concept in Marxism, the exploration of which is of significant theoretical and practical implications. Technological determinism, natural conservation theory, and wealth creation theory represent the three interpretations of Marxist productivity by contemporary Western scholars. A thorough analysis of these three interpretations will facilitate the understanding of the profound connotations of the concept. Technological determinism emphasizes the power of science and technology, taking them as the sole decisive factor in productivity, but ignores the critical role of laborers as the subjective element, tending to defend the existing capitalist system to some extent. Natural conservation theory criticizes Marxist productivity in the name of ecological and environmental protection, but it is confined to a misinterpretation of Marxist idea about human and nature. Wealth creation theory interprets productivity merely as an economic category for creating material wealth, echoing the pitfalls of classical political economy that overlook human agency. Marxist productivity embodies the basic principles of historical materialism and dialectical materialism, encompassing rich scientific content and distinct value orientations.

Key words  productivity; technological determinism; natural conservation theory; wealth creation theory


■作者简介 余卫东,湖北大学哲学学院教授,湖北 武汉 430062;王 楠,湖北大学哲学学院博士研究生。
