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劳动与资本:相遇的可能性与不可能性——兼论《反俄狄浦斯:资本主义与精神分裂》中的资本逻辑批判发布时间:2024-10-29  点击数:
作 者:夏莹
摘 要:

德勒兹和伽塔里《反俄狄浦斯:资本主义与精神分裂》的理论批判所指并非当代精神分析思潮,而是1970 年代资本主义社会中资本金融化语境下的资本逻辑。德勒兹、伽塔里将资本的金融化视为资本血缘式而非姻亲式的增殖,是资本主义机器的真正开启。由此,马克思有关资本逻辑批判中资本与劳动的对峙性关系发生了根本性的变化,以阿尔都塞 的“相遇的哲学”所开启的有关资本原始积累如何可能的叙事需要重新被思考:“属人性”的劳动与“非人性”的资本呈现出不可相遇的异质性;而资本的金融化发展让劳动与资本最终成为货币之流的不同存在样态,又赋予了两者相遇的全部可能性。德勒兹、伽塔里对这一 “相遇哲学”的讨论路径彰显的是他们对资本在金融化语境下资本逻辑的描述性批判。这一批判内涵的非辩证的肯定性批判扬弃了辩证的否定性批判,最终让这一批判带上了犬儒主义色彩。 


The Encounter Between Labor and Capital: To Be or Not to Be On the Criticism of Capital Logic in L'Anti-œdipeCaptialisme et Schizophrénie

Xia YingNankai University

Abstract  Deleuze and Guattari's critique in L'Anti- œdipeCaptialisme et Schizophrénie is not targeted at contemporary psychoanalytic trends, but rather at the capital logic in the context of capitalist financialization in capitalist society in 1970s. Deleuze and Guattari regarded the financialization of capital as a proliferation of capital by blood rather than by marriage, which was the real start of the capitalist machine. Thus, the confrontation between capital and labor in Marx's critique of the logic of capital has been fundamentally changed and the narrative initiated by Althusser's "philosophy of encounter" about how the primitive accumulation of capital is possible needs to be reconsidered: the heterogeneity between labor and capital makes their encounter impossible due to their corresponding "human nature" and "inhumanity", while the financialization of capital, making labor and capital different forms of currency, gives them all the possibilities to come across. Deleuze and Gatari's approach to the discussion of this "encounter philosophy" reflects their descriptive criticism of the logic of capital in the context of financialization of capital. The non-dialectical affirmative criticism contained in their criticism abandons the dialectical negative criticism, ultimately making their criticism tainted with a shade of cynicism.

Key words  financialization of capital; criticism of capital logic; labor; currency; L'Anti-œdipeCaptialisme et Schizophrénie


作者简介 莹,南开大学·中国社会科学院大学21 世纪马克思主义研究院特聘研究员,天津 300071
