On the ''Two Shifts'' in Foreign Marxism And Their Contemporary Implications
Wang Yuchen,Huang Junrong(Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)
Abstract The "two shifts" of foreign Marxism refer to the cultural shift of Western Marxism and the return to political economy research in late Marxism. Western Marxism, opposing the economically determinist interpretation of Marxist philosophy, emphasized the roles of praxis, dialectics, and cultural factors in the development of human history, leading to the cultural shift within Western Marxism. Under the influence of postmodernist thought, post-Marxism exploited the flaws inherent in this cultural shift, and moved towards an abstract cultural critique that completely detached from the determining role of the economic base and deviated from historical materialism. However, late Marxism, upholding Marx's paradigm of modes of production and the methodology of political economy, conducted a comprehensive critique of late capitalist society, which not only deepened the cultural shift within Western Marxism but also marked the second shift in foreign Marxism. To understand and grasp the essence of these "two shifts" in foreign Marxism not only deepens the comprehension of the developmental logic and theoretical nature of foreign Marxism, but also contributes to the advancement of Marxist theoretical construction in Chinese context and the practice of Chinese modernization.
Key words Western Marxism; post-Marxism; late Marxism; second shift in foreign Marxism
■作者简介 王雨辰,中南财经政法大学哲学院教授,武汉科技大学人文社会科学高等研究院特聘教授,湖北 武汉 430073;黄俊溶,中南财经政法大学哲学院博士研究生。