On the Risks in Applying GAI in Digital Government Construction and Their Mitigation
Fu Jianping(Central South University)
Abstract In the process of digital government construction, generative artificial intelligence (GAI) technology can play beneficial roles in enhancing information organization and information-driven capabilities, as well as optimizing governmental operational structures. At the same time, embedding GAI technology into digital government construction can also pose risks. The risk society theory, which aims to systematically address the anxieties and hazards induced by modernization, can provide assistance in identifying and overcoming such risks. Regarding risk identification, the application of GAI in digital government construction may generate risks related to data security, blurred responsibility, and privacy infringement. While in risk governance, adopting an agile governance approach, a comprehensive regulatory path should be taken to establish a framework for classifying and regulating data of different levels and categories, clarify the primary responsibility of the government, effectively activate private laws and norms for privacy information protection and pay attention to timely assessing effectiveness and making corrections.
Key words risk society; generative AI technology; digital government; privacy
■作者简介 傅建平,中南大学马克思主义学院副教授,湖南 长沙 410083。