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新时代人文经济学的历史逻辑与建构路径发布时间:2024-10-29  点击数:
作 者:韩喜平 杨羽川
摘 要:




The Historical Logic and Constructive Path of The Humanomics in New Era

Han XipingYang YuchuanJilin University

Abstract With a profound intrinsic relationship between humanities and economic development, culture has become an increasingly significant factor in economic development. In this regard, profound expositions abound in both Marxist economics and western development economics. The practice of China's economic development in New Era has proved that where culture is well developed, so is its economy, which requires us to build the humanomics in New Era with independent knowledge system. Guided by Xi Jinping's cultural and economic thoughts, we should highlight people-centered economic development, with the aim to advance people's well-rounded development; we should collect and refine supporting cultural cases for China's economic development, summing up China's cultural and economic achievements as well as humanomics development; learning from other countries experiences, we should take the improvement of theoretical influence and interpretation as the principle for recognition of and criterion for testing the construction of humanomics in New Eraso as to explore the intrinsic relationship between economic development and cultural construction.

Key words  the Humanomics in New EraMarxist economicsXi Jinping Thought on Culture


■作者简介 韩喜平,吉林大学中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心、马克思主义学院教授,吉林 长春 130012;杨羽川,吉林大学马克思主义学院博士研究生。
