制定监察委员会组织法是推进监察法治的重要举措,是对“宪法与法律至上” 这一法治要义的坚持,有助于实现“把权力关进制度的笼子”,亦有助于完善监察法体系,理顺党规与国法关系,提高监察机关腐败治理效能。基于纪检监察合署办公这一立法基础,监察委员会组织法的制定存在一体模式与并立模式两种选择,二者各有优势。基于当下党政关系的定位以及法治建设的现实需要,更适宜选择适度化的并立模式。监察委员会组织法需要基于体系思维进行制定,这是科学立法的基本要求,也是建构监察法体系的基本要求。一方面,需建构监察委员会组织法的内部体系,包括党的领导、民主集中制、依法监察、高效监察四大基本原则;另一方面,需搭建监察委员会组织法的形式架构,从而建构监察委员会组织法的外部体系。同时,监察委员会组织法还要与外部规范相协调,从而实现法制统一。
Research on Organization Law of Supervision Commission
Qin Qianhong(Wuhan University)
Abstract The formulation of the organization law of supervision commission is an important measure to promote the supervision of the rule of law in accordance with the essential principle of "Constitution and the law above everything else", which helps to "lock power into the cage of the system" and to improve the anti-corruption effectiveness of the supervisory organs by optimizing the supervision law system and straighten out the relationship between Party Constitution and Regulations and national laws. Based on the legislative foundation of discipline inspection commission and supervision commission working as one office, there are two choices in the formulation of the organization law of supervision commission: "integrated model" and "parallel model", both of which have their own advantages. Based on the current positioning of the relationship between the Party and the government as well as the practical needs of the construction of the rule of law, it is more appropriate to choose a moderate "parallel model". The organization law of supervision commission needs to be formulated from a system perspective, which is the requirement of scientific legislation and the construction of supervision law system. On the one hand, it is necessary to construct the internal system of the organization law of supervision commission, including the four basic principles of Party leadership, democratic centralism, supervision according to law and efficient supervision. On the other hand, it is necessary to set up the formal structure of the organization law of supervision commission, so as to construct the external system of the organization law of supervision commission. At the same time, the organization law of supervision commission also needs to be coordinated with external norms, so as to achieve legal unity.
Key words organization law of supervision commission; supervision of the rule of law; joint office of discipline inspection and supervision; systematization; reform of the national supervision system
■作者简介 秦前红,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。