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开放科学的价值观与制度逻辑发布时间:2023-11-02  点击数:
作 者:陈传夫
摘 要:

21 世纪以来,随着科学探索成本增高、知识鸿沟加剧,原创发现放缓对科学交流体系带来挑战,催生了全球开放科学运动。开放科学演进呈现社会正义与功利主义多元诉求交织特征。构建开放科学制度应坚持质量诚信、公平公正、多样包容等知识价值观,以公共利益为根本,从科学正义、科学效率、科学信任、科学合作与科学监管维度构建我国开放科学的制度逻辑,加强开放科学机制建设,有效参与国际开放科学治理,为全球开放科学发展贡献智慧和力量。


Values and Institutional Logic of Open Science

Chen ChuanfuWuhan University

Abstract Since the 21st century, the rising costs of scientific exploration, widening knowledge gap and slowing original discovery have posed challenges to the scholarly communication system, leading to the emergence of the global open science movement. The evolution of open science exhibits intertwined multidimensional appeals , as in that of social justice and utilitarianism. The construction of contemporary open science system should follow such knowledge values as public interest, research quality and integrity, equitable and fair research, diversity and inclusiveness, with the institutional logic from the perspectives of public interest, scientific justice, scientific efficiency, scientific trust, and scientific cooperation. The open science mechanisms should be strengthened, to effectively participate in international open science governance, and contribute wisdom and strength to the global development of open science.

Key words open science; scientific communication; values; institutional logic


■作者简介 陈传夫,法学博士,武汉大学人文社会科学资深教授,武汉大学信息管理学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉430072
