秦简牍“执法”的研究者,往往关注职权的梳理和解释。从“属所”的特性着手, 可说明郡执法实即郡守,并对执法与郡守、郡守丞共存的简牍资料作出合理解释。在中县道区域,内史、廷尉、中尉分别掌管行政、司法和官吏的考核、任免,可能分别被称为“属所执法”“狱属所执法”和“上功所执法”。各都官系统大多也有自己的“属所执法”。由于“属所”是指基层单位所属的上级机构,“县执法”并无存在的可能。所谓“朝廷执法”,其实就是中县道区域和中央官署的各种“属所执法”。在澄清有关“执法”的问题之后,对秦郡的消极性评价当可摒弃,秦郡与西汉早期的郡制应大致相当。
A New Interpretation of "Zhifa" in Qin Bamboo Slips
On the Criticism of Qin's Jun System
Chen Wei(Wuhan University)
Abstract Researches about "zhifa" (administrators) in Qin bamboo slips tend to focus on interpreting and summarizing their authority and power. If starting with the characteristics of the related concept of "shusuo" (affiliation or subordination), we can prove that the junzhifa (prefecture administrators) is in fact junshou (prefecture magistrates). From that perspective, we may make reasonable explanations for Qin bamboo slip materials in which the titles of zhifa, junshou, and junshoucheng (prefecture auxiliary officials) coexist. Within the zhongxiandao, that is, Qin's original territory before it unified the regional states, neishi (governor of the capital area), tingwei (commandant of the court), and zhongwei (commandant of capital security) were in charge of administration, judiciary and the assessment, appointment and dismissal of officials respectively; and for these roles they may also be referred to as "shusuo zhifa" (affiliated administrators), "yushusuo zhifa" (affiliated administrators in charge of penalty), and "shanggongsuo zhifa" (affiliated administrators in charge of reporting accomplishments). The regional branch offices of metropolitan ministries (duguan offices) may also have their own "affiliated administrators". Since "shusuo" refers to higher-level agencies which the primary-level institutions belong to, the supposed "xianzhifa" (affiliated administrators at the county level) could not have existed. The so-called "chaoting zhifa" (court administrators) should have referred to the various shusuo zhifa within the area of zhongxiandao and those affiliated with central ministries. Once "zhifa"-related issues have been resolved, we may well discard the negative comments regarding Qin's jun (commendatory) system, as it should be as developed as the commendatory system of the early western Han.
Key words shusuo; yushusuo; zhifa; 2000-dan-level official; jun system
■作者简介 陈 伟,历史学博士,武汉大学人文社会科学资深教授,武汉大学历史学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。