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伦理法则的特性及其生成发布时间:2023-11-02  点击数:
作 者:李建华
摘 要:



The Characteristics and Generation of Ethical Laws

Li JianhuaWuhan University

Abstract Ethical laws are the basic norms regulating ethical relations in society, not norms and ethical regulations in the general sense. Norms is one of the most common forms of social rule systems. Regulation  is more often referred to as prescribed management or constrained by regulations, and ethical regulation is a unification of formal and informal regulation. As a special form in the system of social rules, ethical laws are more effective in regulating and balancing interests. Because it has the characteristic of combining hard tactics with soft, and can even be regarded as a state of existence between moral laws and legal regulations. Ethical laws have the legal meaning and domain boundary of laws. The legal meaning of ethical laws is reflected in the three dimensions of natural law, customary law and statutory law, and its boundary of domain is mainly reflected in the difference of human domain, inter-domain and realm. The content of ethical law generation involves customs, habits, religion, law, public opinion, cultural psychology, etc. Its carrier involves moral classics, cultural traditions, parents and elders, moral role models, social groups, etc. The main path of thought is social control and social psychology. The generation of ethical laws cannot be separated from discussions of individuality, which can be briefly developed in two aspects: on the one hand, ethics as laws, determine that individuals should be regulated, and on the other hand, individuals play a very important role in the process  of creating ethical laws.

Key words ethical laws; natural law; customary law; standardization; individuality


■作者简介 李建华,哲学博士,武汉大学哲学学院教授、博士生导师,武汉大学应用伦理学研究中心教授;湖北 武汉430072
