On the Construction of Concept System of China's Independent Knowledge System of Legal Science
Feng Guo(Wuhan University)
Abstract The concept system of legal science is the cornerstone of the construction of independent knowledge system of legal science. In order to construct China's independent concept system of legal science, it is necessary to follow the principles of adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, maintaining "two adapts", upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, and adopting problem- oriented approach, and respect the natural rules of the generation and development of concept system of legal science. By seeking breakthroughs in classics, refining from the "world of experience", constructing on the basis of rethinking history, and broadening in open dialogues, in light of different levels of independence of specific knowledge of legal science, we should adopt specific methods, such as the sublation of traditional Chinese and foreign concepts in legal science, the conceptualization of the emerging phenomenon of rule of law in contemporary China and the borrowing or even adopting of foreign concepts in legal science, to refine China's independent concepts in legal science. On the basis of concept refinement, an open concept system of legal science with complete content, rigorous logic and distinct hierarchy will be constructed by starting with or centering around meta-concept or key concept and prescriptively sorting out concepts in legal science.
Key words China's independent knowledge system; concept system; principles of the construction; path of the construction; methods for the construction
■作者简介 冯 果,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师,武汉大学习近平法治思想研究中心执行主任;湖北 武汉 430072。