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武汉大学释古启新的中国传统文化研究发布时间:2023-11-02  点击数:
作 者:杨华 朱明数
摘 要:



Interpreting the Ancient and Enlightening the New: Traditional Chinese Culture Studies at Wuhan University

Yang HuaZhu MingshuWuhan University

Abstract For over a hundred years until now, generations of Wuhan University scholars have developed a tradition of studying traditional Chinese culture by fusing the old and the new, connecting the past to the present, and integrating Eastern and Western ideas. Their researches cover all areas in literature and history studies, but are particularly concerned with source and flow, namely, interpreting the early Chinese civilization and holistically eloberating on the cultural transformation since Ming and Qing dynasties. They also made the Jingchu( 荆 楚 )region in the middle of the Yangtze River area the core of their regional cultural studies. They have developed a unique academic and discourse system in their historical narration of Chinese culture, their studies on feudal issues and early enlightment issues, and their firm responses to "shock-reaction" model and the "clash of civilizations". They are able to achieve these academic innovations because the Hubei region has a good tradition of integrating new learning and new ideas with traditional classic and historical studies, to which the scholars as well as academic circle from eastern Hubei have contributed much. Most of the new-generation representatives of Neo-Confucianism are from eastern Hubei, and the studies by scholars of Neo-Confucianism research at Wuhan University can be regarded as an inheritance and return to their predecessors. Since the turn of the new century, a new generation of scholars has carried on their tradition, and made new achievements in various areas while maintaining their distinctive features.

Key words Wuhan University; traditional Chinese culture; Fudel; cultural transformation; early enlightenment


■作者简介 杨 华,历史学博士,武汉大学中国传统文化研究中心教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072;朱明数,文学博士,武汉大学中国传统文化研究中心讲师;湖北 武汉 430072
