章黄学术以小学为根柢,是中国现代学术转型大潮中坚植中国古典学问,以旧学为面目,以新研为骨里,在理论和实践上提升转化的本土学术。章太炎、黄侃研治中国语言文字之学,精研深赜,特色鲜明,成为清代审音和训求语原之学的集大成者,也是中国小学传统的现代转化者。自黄侃在20 世纪20 年代执教武昌,经弟子刘赜、黄焯等在50 年代至80 年代的耕耘,武汉大学逐渐在中国语文研究领域形成特色,刘赜、黄焯以其著述和教授,使武汉大学成为章黄学术传承的重镇。20 世纪80 年代以降,武汉大学古籍整理研究所团队在宗福邦的带领下,自觉继承章黄学脉,祖述黄侃学术理念,以两代学人传承,萃35 年之力,编成《故训汇纂》《古音汇纂》《中华大典·音韵分典》等巨作,续有开辟。章黄学术百年传承,展现出武汉大学人文学术中薪传和创辟相辅的优良学风。
The Hundred-year Inheritance of the Zhang-Huang Scholarship at Wuhan University
Yu Ting(Wuhan University)
Abstract The Zhang-Huang school, based on traditional Chinese philological studies with an conservative appearance but a modern core of research, has devoted to the indigenous scholarship that upgraded and transformed both in theory and in practice during the great social changes from imperial China to republic China. Zhang Taiyan and his inheritor Huang Kan not only became two of the greatest scholars for their remarkable achievements in their profound and distinctive study of ancient Chinese classics and language, but also made a modern turn to Chinese linguistic studies. With Huang Kan teaching in Wuchang Normal College during the 1920s, and later his students Liu Ze and Huang Zhuo in Wuhan University during mid-20th Century, Wuhan University gradually developed distinction in traditional Chinese philological studies, and became the major hub for academic inheritance of Zhang-Huang school with the publications and teaching of the latter two. Led by Zong Fubang, the Institute of Ancient Chinese Books and Philology of Wuhan University, having consciously inherited and further developed Zhang-Huang school and Huang Kan's academic theory and ideas, compiled and published Guxunhuizuan (Collected Dictionary of Traditional Semantic Annotations), Guyinhuizuan (Collected Dictionary of Chinese Ancient Phonology & Phonetics) and Zhonghuadadian Yinyunfendian (Great Category Encyclopedia of Chinese Culture: Phonology & Phonetics), with efforts of two generations of scholars in 35 years. More than 100 years of inheritance and transmission of Zhang-Huang Scholarship at Wuhan University demonstrates its fine academic conduct of inheritance and innovation in humanities studies.
Key words Zhang-Huang School; traditional Chinese philology; Wuhan University; Huang Kan; Liu Ze; Huang Zhuo; Guxunhuizuan; Guyinhuizuan
■作者简介 于 亭,文学博士,武汉大学文学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。