中国国际法学发端、奠基于武汉大学。百余年来,武汉大学国际法学人始终引领中国国际法学的发展。周鲠生创立国际公法学、李浩培创立国际私法学,具有开山启林之功;韩德培创立大国际私法学,姚梅镇创立国际经济法学、国际投资法学,梁西创立国际组织法学,是改革开放时代中国深化国际法学科建设的代表;曾令良、黄进、余劲松分别主编《国际公法学》《国际私法学》《国际经济法学》三部马克思主义理论研究和建设工程教材,为构建21 世纪中国自主国际法知识体系奠定了基础。近年来,武汉大学国际法学科因具有追求国际法治、注重体系构建、秉持公平正义、站稳国家立场、提炼中国实践的鲜明特质,被誉为珞珈国际法学派。在进军中国式现代化新征程中,珞珈国际法学派应勇担构建中国自主国际法知识体系的历史使命,以习近平外交思想、习近平法治思想为指导,以构建具有理论吸引力、制度塑造力与实践公信力的国际法知识体系为目标,通过设置国际法一级学科,打破学科界限、践行问题导向、遵循“两个结合”、坚持“三个面向”,为中国国际法理论真正屹立于世界学术之林作出新贡献。
The Origin, Characteristics and Future of the Luojia School Of International Law
Xiao Yongping(Wuhan University)
Abstract The science of Chinese international law, originated from and founded in Wuhan University, has gone through more than 100 years of development. During this period, international law scholars at Wuhan University have been leading the development of international law in China. The sciences of public international law created by Zhou Gengsheng, and private international law by Li Haopei, have laid a solid foundation for the establishment of international law in China. The grand system of private international law founded by Han Depei, the systems of international economic law and international investment law by Yao Meizhen, and the system of international organization law by Liang Xi, are the representative achievements of deepening international law disciplines in the era of China's reform and opening-up. The three textbooks under Marxist Theory Research and Development Project, namely, The Sciences of Public International Law by Zeng lingliang, Private International Law by Huang Jin and International Economic Law by Yu jinsong, have laid a good basis for China to build an independent knowledge system of international law in the 21st century. In recent years, the science of international law in Wuhan University has been known as the "Luojia School of International Law" because of its common characteristics of pursuing the rule of international law, focusing on the discipline system construction, upholding fairness and justice, firmly standing on the nation's position, and summarizing China's practice. On the new journey to Chinese modernization, Luojia School of International Law should carry forward its historic mission of building China's independent knowledge system of international law. Only under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, with the goal to build a knowledge system of international law with attractiveness in theory, institutional power to shape and credibility in practice, through constructing international law as a first-level discipline, breaking disciplinary boundaries, practicing problem-oriented approach, following the "two combinations", and adhering to the "three directions to face", may the Luojia School of International Law complete the mission and make Chinese international law an important part of the world's academic society.
Key words international law; Luojia School of International Law; international law knowledge system; international law discipline system; international law academic system; international law discourse system
■作者简介 肖永平,法学博士,武汉大学国际法研究所教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。