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反垄断法损害赔偿与行政责任的竞合、冲突与解决发布时间:2023-09-01  点击数:
作 者:祝雅柠
摘 要:



The Concurremce, Conflict and Resolution of Liability for Civil Damage and Administrative Liability in The Antimonopoly Law

Zhu Yaning (Dalian Maritime University)

Abstract During the implementation of The Antimonopoly Law, there may be a concurrence between civil liability for damages and administrative liability for the same monopoly behavior in terms of legislation and law enforcement. Although traditional departmental laws emphasize the difference between administrative penalties and civil compensation for damages, without considering the fact that the application of liability for damages and administrative liability will form a dual regulation, leading to excessive deterrence. From the perspective of deterrence theory in the economics of the law, civil liability for damages and administrative liability differ only in quantity but not in essence; both institutions have a common deterrence logic, i.e. the cost of an illegal activity is higher than its benefits, which provides a basis for evaluating the deterrence effect of The Antimonoply Law on monopolistic behaviors. Considering that the current legislation has established the simultaneous application of civil liability for damages and administrative liability, it is necessary to address the issue of excessive deterrence in the simultaneous application of both ones through reasonable solutions, including authorizing antimonopoly law enforcement agencies to define liability for damages, coordinating the amount of damage compensation and administrative fines in antimonopoly civil public interest litigation, and recognizing the legal effect of administrative penalty decisions in the follow-on civil action.

Key words The Antimonopoly Law; platform economy; deterrence theory; monopoly losses; liability overlap; civil liability for damages; administrative liability


■作者简介 祝雅柠,法学博士,大连海事大学法学院讲师、硕士生导师;辽宁 大连 116026
