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中国语境下被遗忘权的内涵、价值及其实现发布时间:2023-09-01  点击数:
作 者:王苑
摘 要:



A Restatement on the Connotations, Values and Realization Of Right to be Forgotten

Wang Yuan (Southeast University)

Abstract The popularization of search engine technology has changed the way information flows, not only expanding the scope of information dissemination, but also potentially and indefinitely prolonging the retention of information, thereby invalidating the reasonable mechanisms for information to be forgotten and affecting the restoration of individuals reputation. Neither The Civil Code nor the Personal Information Protection Law of China mentions the right to be forgotten. But the right to be forgotten is an independent legal interest of individuals, which is essentially a legal interest to realize the construction of personal identity. Distinguished from right to privacy in The Civil Code, the right to be forgotten only applies to personal information that is legally disclosed; Unlike the right of reputation in civil law, the personal information involved is true, which undermines the presentation of the personal identity because the information stays on the Internet for too long. The right of deletion in The Personal Information Protection Law is a means to realize the right to be forgotten. Its subject of obligation is limited to search engines, but it should be extended to the generative AI that quickly retrieves information and generates responses by calling search engines; The content of the right is to invalidate website links of search results by name through search engines, rather than completely remove them from the Internet. The legality of the original information disclosure is the legal basis of search engines' re-disclosure, but the legality of information disclosure cannot infer the rationality of search engines' continuously providing webpage links for all search behaviors.

Key words the right to be forgotten; personal information disclosure; the right to delete; delink; ChatGPT; The Personal Information Protection Law; The Civil Code


■作者简介 王 苑,法学博士,东南大学法学院讲师,人权研究院助理研究员;江苏 南京 211111
