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生态环境保护督察规范体系及其构造探析发布时间:2023-09-01  点击数:
作 者:陈海嵩
摘 要:

生态环境保护督察是党中央、国务院为加强生态环境保护工作采取的一项重 大改革举措和制度创新,具有显著中国特色,并在实践中取得明显成效。以2019 年《中央生态环境保护督察工作规定》的发布为标志,目前生态环境保护督察已经形成相应长效机制, 同时还需要在法治轨道上加以持续推进,从制度化进一步走向法治化、体系化,构建完善的生态环境保护督察规范体系与法治体系,保障其不断向纵深发展。生态环境保护督察具有政治与法律双重属性,在生态文明建设及环境治理现代化中具有复合型功能,促进了生态环境法治实质合理性与形式合理性的充分融合。生态环境保护督察规范体系的具体构造,包括实体性规则和程序性规则两个层面:前者包括生态环境保护督察主体、督察对象、督察内容等核心要素,需立足于宪法上央地事权划分的基本原理,形成完善的“中央—省”两级生态环境保护督察立法;后者包括生态环境保护督察一般程序、简易程序、特殊程序等不同层面的程序性规则,通过全覆盖形成完备的程序指引和程序规制。


An Analysis of Eco-environmental Inspection System And Its Structure

Chen HaisongWuhan University

Abstract Eco-environmental inspection is a major reform and institutional innovation adopted by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to strengthen the work of ecological and environmental protection. It bears remarkable Chinese characteristics and has achieved remarkable results in practice. Marked by the release of the Provisions on the Work of Supervision of Central Eco-environmental Protection in 2019, the eco-environment protection supervision has formed corresponding long-term mechanism, but it still needs to continue on the track of rule of law, from "institutionalized" to "legalization" and "systematic"; a complete standardized system of eco-environmental inspection and system of rule of the law will ensure its further development. The eco-environmental inspection has the dual attributes in terms of politics and law, and has the compound function in the construction of ecological civilization and the modernization of environmental governance, which promotes the full integration of the substantive rationality and formal rationality of the rule of law in eco-environment protection. The specific structure of the system includes the substantive rules and procedural rules: the former includes such core elements as the subject, object, and content of inspection. A complete legislation for central-local-governments two-level eco-environmental inspection is to be established based on the basic principle in Constitution for the division of responsibilities of central and local governments; the latter includes the procedural rules of general procedure, simplified procedure and special procedure, forming a complete procedural guidance and regulation through "full coverage".

Key words environmental inspection; legal system; standard structure; Party regulations; environmental governance; central-local relations


■作者简介 陈海嵩,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072
