全要素生产率是衡量企业高质量发展的重要指标,全球价值链嵌入则是提升企业全要素生产率的重要途径。利用2000-2016 年中国制造业沪深A 股上市公司数据,考察全球价值链嵌入对企业全要素生产率的影响及自主创新和技术引进两个主要技术创新来源的调节效应,研究发现:全球价值链嵌入能够有效促进企业全要素生产率的提升,并且这种促进效应在非国有企业、劳动密集型企业、非高技术企业和东中部地区企业中更为明显。调节效应的检验结果表明,自主创新和技术引进均能强化全球价值链嵌入对企业全要素生产率的促进作用。阶段性检验结果表明,全球价值链嵌入对高全要素生产率水平企业的全要素生产率提升作用更明显。为此,应深化国际科技创新合作,充分发挥全球价值链嵌入的知识溢出效应;推动创新链、产业链、资金链和人才链“四链”融合,降低全球价值链嵌入的低端锁定风险;把自主创新作为主要技术创新来源,并合理进行技术引进,发挥不同技术创新来源的调节效应;针对不同类型的企业制定并实施差异化政策,有的放矢地促进企业的高质量发展。
On Global Value Chain Embeddedness, Sources of Technological Innovation and Enterprises' Total Factor Productivity
Li Junjiu,Jiang Meixu(Jilin University)
Abstract Total factor productivity (TFP) is an important indicator to measure the high-quality development of enterprises, and global value chain (GVC) embeddedness is an important way to improve the total factor productivity of enterprises. Using the data of Chinese manufacturing A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock exchanges from 2000 to 2016, this paper investigates the impact of GVC embeddedness on enterprises' TFP and the moderating effect of two main sources of technological innovation: independent innovation and technology import. The results show that GVC embeddedness can effectively promote the improvement of enterprises' TFP, and this promotion effect is more obvious in non-state-owned enterprises, labor-intensive enterprises, non-high-tech enterprises and enterprises in the eastern and central regions. The test results of moderating effect show that both "independent innovation" and "technology import" can strengthen the promotion effect of GVC embeddedness on enterprises' TFP. The phased test results show that GVC embeddedness has a more obvious effect on improving TFP of enterprises with high TFP level. Therefore, efforts should be made in the following four aspects: First, to deepen international cooperation in scientific and technological innovation and give full play to the knowledge spillover effect embedded in global value chains. Second, to promote the integration of the innovation, industry, capital and talent chains, and forestall the risk of being low-end locked-in resulting from GVC embeddedness. Third, to take independent innovation as the main source of technological innovation and import technology in rational manner to exert the moderating effect of different sources of technological innovation. Finally, differentiated policies should be formulated and implemented for different types of enterprises to promote the high-quality development of enterprises.
Key words global value chain; sources of technological innovation; total factor productivity; high- quality development of enterprises; moderating effect
■作者简介 李俊久,经济学博士,吉林大学经济学院教授、博士生导师;吉林 长春 130012;