以2008-2019 年中国沪深A 股上市企业为研究样本,基于文史典籍整理和网络爬虫技术对儒家文化进行量化测度,在此基础上实证检验儒家文化对企业绿色转型的影响,研究发现,儒家文化能够显著促进企业的绿色创新,而提高企业的环保责任意识和降低企业的代理问题是儒家文化影响企业绿色创新的重要渠道;在推动企业绿色创新方面,儒家文化可与正式制度形成有效补充,外来文化的冲击则会削弱儒家文化对于企业绿色创新的促进作用。促进企业绿色创新,需重视非正式制度与正式制度的融合,发挥好传统文化在推动经济绿色转型中的治理功效。
On Informal System, Confucian Culture and Enterprises' Green Innovation
Li Juncheng(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Peng Yuchao(Central University of Finance and Economics)
Yang Lu(Tsinghua University)
Abstract This paper takes Chinese A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2008 to 2019 as research samples, and uses tools such as literature and history compilation and Python crawler to conduct quantitative measurement of Confucian culture, on the basis of which empirical study is done on the impact of Confucian culture on enterprises’ green innovation level. The results of baseline regression show that Confucian culture can significantly promote the improvement of green innovation level of enterprises. The mechanism test shows that improving enterprises' awareness of environmental protection responsibility and reducing enterprises' Principal-agent problem are important channels for Confucian culture to influence enterprises' green innovation. Further study finds that Confucian culture can effectively complement formal systems in promoting green innovation in enterprises, while the impact of foreign culture will undermine Confucian culture in promoting green innovation in enterprises. To promote green innovation in enterprises, great attention should be paid to the effective supplementation and integration of informal and formal systems, so as to leverage the governance effectiveness of traditional culture in promoting green economic transformation.
Key words informal system; Confucian culture; green low-carbon development; enterprises' green innovation
■作者简介 李俊成,经济学博士,中国社会科学院金融研究所助理研究员;北京 100710;彭俞超,经济学博士,中央财经大学金融学院副教授;北京 100098;杨 璐(通讯作者),清华大学公共管理学院博士研究生;北京 100084。