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多维视角下中国相对贫困的识别与分解发布时间:2023-09-01  点击数:
作 者:邹薇 程小佩 樊增增
摘 要:

在推进共同富裕的背景下,巩固脱贫攻坚成果与乡村振兴有效衔接是当前重 要的历史任务,从多维视角开展相对贫困人群的识别与分解是防范出现规模性返贫、提升帮扶精准性和时效性的基础。采用改进的AF 方法,能够对中国多维相对贫困的长期变化进行有效的测度与分解。中国多维相对贫困指数呈现波动状态,2011 年后有上升趋势。多维相对贫困群体在教育、收入和就业等维度遭受的相对剥夺最为突出,其次是健康和生活水平维度。中西部地区人口、农村地区人口、女性群体以及老年群体多维相对贫困程度更加严重。贫困发生率效应是多维相对贫困变动的主要内因,其影响远高于被剥夺程度效应。因此,缓解多维相对贫困应从收入、教育以及就业等方面实施更有针对性的帮扶措施,着力推进全体人民共同富裕和中国式现代化目标的实现。


On the Identification and Decomposition of Relative Poverty In China from a Multidimensional Perspective

Zou WeiCheng XiaopeiWuhan University

Fan ZengzengZhengzhou University

Abstract Under the background of promoting common prosperity, it is an important historic task to consolidate and expand the achievements made in poverty alleviation in coordination with the extensive drive for rural vitalization. To identify and decompose relatively poor people from a multidimensional perspective will constitute the basis for forestalling any large-scale reentry into poverty and providing targeted and timely policies. The improved AF method can generate effective measurement and decomposition of the long-term change of multidimensional relative poverty. The indexes of multidimensional relative poverty in China fluctuate overtime and show a worsening trend after 2011. The multidimensional relative poverty groups suffer from deprivation in dimensions of education, income, and employment the most, followed by the dimensions of health and living standards. Multidimensional relative poverty among groups is more severe in central and western regions, rural areas, women and the elderly. The incidence effect of poverty is the main causation of multidimensional relative poverty change, and its influence is much higher than that of the intensity of poverty effect. Therefore, to alleviate multidimensional relative poverty, it is of importance to implement more targeted assistance measures on dimensions of income, education and employment and strive to achieve the goals of common prosperity for all people and Chinese modernization .

Key words common prosperity; relative poverty; multidimensional poverty; poverty measurement


■作者简介 邹 薇,经济学博士,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072;程小佩,武汉大学经济与管理学院博士研究生;樊增增,经济学博士,郑州大学商学院讲师;河南 郑州 450001
