The Original Meaning of Fu and the Objects of Analogy And Epideictic Expression
Yi Wenxiao(Guizhou Normal University)
Abstract Fu has been elucidated as bu, fu or pu, which means exhibiting, displaying, permeating and expanding. As a constellation of numerous unique objects, fu, in essence, must be the superordinate expressions of those objects. There is a decided emphasis on the grand fu which forces writers to analogize extremely with prosaic sentences of four words, to enumerate the various bizarre and imaginative objects and to elaborate on verbal virtuosity. Objects are named by subjective recognition, concept and attitude, i.e. to name by the shapes, sounds, ages and functions of beasts, with one object by one character, or two via adjective-noun and juxta positional combinations, so as to reflect the pervasive overlapping and repetition of names. Writers overwhelm readers for their verbal virtuosity, and the knowledge of fu is based on the abundance of characters. In term of the exhaustive expressions of beasts, hu (tiger), the king of beasts, can be juxtaposed with long (dragon) based on astrology, or with other beasts of prey, such as si (female rhino), bao (leopard), lang (wolve), chu (big fox-skinned beast), an (a species of dog), xiong (bear), pi (brown bear), or accompanied by jue, nao, ting, you (different kinds of monkeys), yuan (ape), jing (red deer) and mi (elk). The essential feature of the epideictic expression of fu is manifested by a grandiose scenery of the universe rather than an objective reflection of the existence of objects or the natural law of the jungle.
Key words grand fu; objects; analogy; epideictic expression
■作者简介 易闻晓,文学博士,贵州师范大学文学院教授、博士生导师;贵州 贵阳 550001。