On the Antinomy of the "State's Reason"
Kantian Reconstruction of Marx's Critique on Hegel's Legal Philosophy
Wang Shizhong(Xiamen University)
Abstract In the argumentation of the "state's reason" in modern times, there are two opposite ideas; liberalism based on the political dualism of Christianity and Hegelianism developed in the framework of speculative theology have different sides and are opposed to each other. To reconstruct Marx's approach to Hegel's legal philosophy with the relationship between the civil society and the state as a clue from Kantian's perspective of "criticism of judgment", will reveal the speculative and philosophical roots of Hegel's legal philosophy and extract a state form different from both liberalism or Hegelianism, and it might be possible to connect this form with the critical analysis of traditional Chinese society. Reconstructing Marx's critique of legal philosophy at a higher level, should be a way to break through the antinomy of the "state's reason" and activate the contemporary potential of Marxism philosophy.
Key words state's reason; liberalism; Hegel; Kant; reflective judgment
■作者简介 王时中,哲学博士,厦门大学哲学系教授、博士生导师;福建 厦门 361005。