美国女性主义政治哲学家、批判理论家本哈比对从霍克海默、阿多尔诺到哈贝马斯的批判理论规范基础进行了批判性反思。她将批判理论成败的根本标准确立为能否融合批判性与规范性两个方面,即“解释性—诊断的”维度和“预期性—乌托邦的”维度,认为只有二者的融合才能确保批判的合法性、解决批判理论规范基础问题。根据这种标准,本哈比将旧批判理论的转型视为将内在批判转变为否定辩证法、解拜物教批判转变为文化批判、危机诊断转变为具有乌托邦意向的历史哲学,并断定这种转型的结果是旧批判理论并不缺乏规范性基础,却未能成功地调和批判性与规范性两个方面。为了说明新批判理论的转型是否成功,本哈比审视了哈贝马斯针对旧批判理论的缺陷进行转型的重要表现(后期资本主义社会诊断)、转型的基础(规范性构想)以及转型的结果(批判理论是否合法化),换言之,审视了交往伦理学是否成功地调和了批判性与规范性两个方面。本哈比从事这项工作的目的, 从消极方面来说,是为了走出黑格尔带给批判理论的主体哲学和历史哲学的阴影;从积极方面说,是为了强调批判理论必须认真对待人类多元性的境况,反映人类的苦难,表达人类的希望。
Benhabib's Critical Reflection on the Normative Foundations Of Critical Theory
Wang Fengcai,Wu Min(Fudan University)
Abstract Seyla Benhabib, an American feminist political philosopher and critical theorist, critically reflected on the normative basis of critical theory of Max Hokheimer, Theodor Adorno and Jürgen Habermas. She believes that the fundamental criterion for the success or failure of a critical theory lies in whether it can integrate the "critical" and "normative" dimensions, namely, the "explanatory-diagnostic" dimension and the "anticipatory-utopian" dimension. Only the integration of the two can lay the legitimacy of criticism and solve the normative basis of the critical theory. According to this standard, Benhabib saw the transformation of the old critical theory as one that turned internal critique into negative dialectics, defetishism critique into cultural criticism, and crisis diagnosis into historical philosophy with utopian intention, and concluded in terms of the result of this transformation that the old critical theory did not lack the "normative" basis, but failed to successfully reconcile the "critical" and "normative" aspects. With regard to the success or failure of the transformation of the new critical theory, Benhabib examined the important performance of Habermas' transformation against the defects of the old critical theory (the diagnosis of the late capitalist society), the basis of the transformation (the normative conception), and the result of the transformation (the legitimacy of the critical theory). In other words, she examined whether communicative ethics successfully reconciled the "critical" and "normative" aspects. The purpose of Benhabib's work, from a negative perspective, is to step out of the shadows that Hegel brought to the subjective philosophy and historical philosophy of the critical theory, or from a positive perspective, is to emphasize that critical theory, taking the situation of human diversity seriously, must reflect human suffering and express human hope.
Key words Benhabib; critical theory; normative basis; dualism of perspective; crisis diagnosis; utopian intention
■作者简介 王凤才,哲学博士,复旦大学当代国外马克思主义研究中心研究员,哲学学院教授、博士生导师;上海 200433;