图像作为一种叙事手段与记忆媒介,与文本、影像、声像等审美形式在“民族— 国家”的认同形塑以及民族共同体的建构中具有重要意义。新中国黄河图像作为中华民族的视觉化表征,参与整个民族国家形象的塑造以及集体价值的确证。在救亡压倒启蒙的时代,“黄河—母亲”的隐喻成为中华民族的象征符号,促进民族统一与融合。嗣后,新中国黄河图像作为承载中华民族集体记忆的媒介——记忆场,涵括家国命运、抗争进取、人文情怀等不同意蕴的民族精神。依照“图像叙事—记忆—认同建构”的理论逻辑,黄河图像话语的建构借黄河图像唤起社会个体之集体记忆,增进个体对集体的情感认同、文化认同、身份认同,实现中华民族共同体的形塑。新中国黄河图像话语的研究,不仅凸显出黄河图像之于中华民族共同体的价值与意义,而且也为建构人类命运共同体提供了理论资源。
National Identity and the Construction of the Yellow River Image Discourse in New China
Li Xia(Northwest University)
Qu Jian(Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts)
Abstract As a narrative method and a medium of memory, image is of great significance for shaping the identity of "nation-state" and building a national community along with text, video, acoustic image and other aesthetic forms. As a visual representation of the Chinese nation, the Yellow River images of the new China participated in the shaping of the image of the entire nation-state and the confirmation of collective values. At the time when salvation overwhelmed enlightenment, the metaphor of the "Yellow River - mother" became a symbol of the Chinese nation which facilitated national unity and fusion. Later on, the image of the Yellow River in new China, as the medium of collective memory of the Chinese nation, or a memory field, contains the national spirit with different connotations, including the destiny of the country, spirit of enterprising, and human care. In addition, based on the theoretical logic of "image-based narration - memory - identity formation", by virtue of the interpellation and observation of memory, the image of the Yellow River, by arousing collective memory in social individuals, enhances individuals' affective, cultural and national identity with the collective, to build the community of the Chinese nation. Thus, the study of the discourse of the Yellow River image in new China not only highlights the value and significance of the image of the Yellow River to the community of the Chinese nation, but also provides a theoretical resource for building a community with a shared future for mankind.
Key words fine arts in new China; yellow river images; national spirit; collective memory; national identity; national community
■作者简介 李 夏,西北大学文学院讲师;陕西 西安 710127;