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共同富裕愿景下四次分配的总体目标、制度安排与作用机制发布时间:2023-09-01  点击数:
作 者:雷明
摘 要:

“十四五”规划提出发挥三次分配作用、发展慈善事业以及改善收入和财富分配格局,引发社会广泛关注。可以说,三次收入分配是缩小收入差距、实现共同富裕的一种新措施。在新的发展阶段,如何进一步完善收入分配制度的共同富裕性显得十分重要。统筹构建以初次分配为基础、再分配为重要补充、鼓励发展三次分配,健全四次分配的收入分配制度是当务之急。在四次分配制度中,初次分配环节既要在充分尊重市场规律的基础上着重打造好提高低收入者市场参与能力的内源机制,又要从市场环境和法律法规入手,建构起维护低收入者市场权益的外源机制。再分配环节一方面要发挥再分配对收入的调节作用,使财税政策直接用于减轻低收入者负担,提供基础公共服务和社会兜底保障,另一方面要为发展产业、吸引社会投资等创造激励条件,打造“缩小收入差距、实现共同富裕”格局。在第三次分配中,缩小收入差距、实现共同富裕的关键在于设计好相关政策措施并借助互联网力量让慈善捐赠多起来、让慈善捐赠真正服务于“缩小收入差距,实现共同富裕”,把慈善捐赠用好用活。第四次分配着重解决的则是如何借助社会力量长期助力低收入者持续增收的问题,在为低收入人群提供基本生活保障的同时,又提高他们持续增收、改善生活的意愿, 增强自身积极性、行动可能性以及参与感、获得感。


The Overall Objectives, Institutional Arrangements And Mechanism of the Four Distributions In The Vision of Common Prosperity

Lei Ming (Peking University)

Abstract The 14th Five-Year Plan proposes to give full play to charity in the third distribution to improve the distribution pattern of income and wealth, which has aroused wide social attention. It can be said that the third income distribution is a noval approach to narrowing the income gap and realizing common prosperity. At the new stage of development, it is of great importance to achieve common prosperity by further improving the income distribution structure. It is urgent to construct an income distribution system, based on the primary distribution and supplemented by redistribution, by encouraging the development of the third distribution, and improving the fourth distribution. In the initial distribution of the quadripartite distribution system, priorities should be given not only to building the endogenous mechanism for improving low-income populations market participation ability on the basis of fully respecting the laws of the market, but also to constructing an external mechanism for safeguarding the rights and interests of low-income market subjects  in terms of market environment and laws and regulations. In the redistribution, on the one hand, income and wealth is to be adjusted with fiscal and taxation policies working directly at reducing the burden of low-income earners, providing basic public services and improving social safety net, on the other hand, incentive conditions should be created for the development of industry, and attracting social investment, i. e. "narrow the income gap to achieve common prosperity". In the third distribution, the key to narrowing the income gap and achieving common prosperity lies in the design of relevant policies and measures to encourage charitable initiatives via internet, making effective and flexible use of charitable donations in the relevant fields of "narrowing the income gap and realizing common wealth". The fourth distribution focuses on helping low-income people continue to increase their income for a long time assisted by social forces. While providing basic living allowances for low-income people, it also improves their willingness to continuously increase their income and improve their lives, and maintains their enthusiasm, possibility of action, sense of participation and sense of fulfillment.

Key words income distribution system; common prosperity; poor laborers; public welfare jobs; charitable donation; Chinese path to modernization


■作者简介 雷 明,系统工程学博士,北京大学光华管理学院教授、博士生导师,新疆财经大学信息管理学院天池特聘教授,英国爱丁堡大学荣誉教授;北京 100871
