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村庄治理:一种“权力谱系社会学”发布时间:2023-06-28  点击数:
作 者:林辉煌
摘 要:

既有的国家—社会关系理论主要从实体论的角度探讨国家与社会的对立或合作关系,对中国治理经验的解释存在明显的不足。通过对村庄治理实践进行历时性、空间性的解读,建构一种“权力谱系社会学”的理论框架,可以更好地理解中国治理体制中的国家— 社会关系。权力谱系社会学本质上是探讨各种权力主体中的国家成分、社会成分、自我成分的互动互构机制在治理层级和时空层面的渐变规律。总体来说,它具有三大理论要素,一是成分论,二是互构论,三是渐变论。成分论是将国家—社会关系视为国家成分、社会成分、自我成分在各种权力主体中的组合关系。互构论是将国家—社会关系视为上述三种成分相互构造的结果,形成你中有我、我中有你的复杂网络。渐变论是将国家—社会关系视为上述成分相互构造的模式在不同层级、不同时空相对稳定的变化规律。从这一理论框架出发,可以清晰地辨识中国治理体制的优势及风险,并可以此为基础重新审视西方和全球的治理经验。



Village Governance: A "Sociology of Power Spectrum"

Lin HuihuangSouth China University of Technology

Abstract The existing theories of state-society relations, mainly discussing the antagonism or cooperation between the state and society from the perspective of entity theory, find it deficient in accounting for Chinese experience in village governance. This paper attempts to construct a theoretical framework of "sociology of power spectrum" to re-understand the state-society relationship in China's governance system through the historical and spatial interpretation of its village governance practices. In essence, sociology of power spectrum is to explore the gradual law of interaction and mutual construction mechanism between the element of state, society and other subjects in governance hierarchy and Spatiotemporal levels. In general, it has three major theoretical elements: composition theory, interconstruction theory, and gradualism theory. The composition theory is to consider the state-society relationship as a combination of state component, social component, and self component in various subjects of power. The interconstruction theory views state-society relations as the result of the mutual construction of the above three components, forming an interwoven network. The gradualism theory regards state-society relations as the relatively stable patterns of the above-mentioned components' mutual construction at different levels and in different time and space. From this theoretical framework, we can clearly identify the advantages and risks of China's governance system and reexamine the western and global governance experience.

Key words village governance; national governance; governance unit; sociology of power spectrum; state-society relationship; differential order pattern; governance hierarchy; village-level governance organization


■作者简介 林辉煌,法学博士,华南理工大学公共政策研究院研究员、硕士生导师;广东 广州 510640
