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数商兴农背景下数智赋能乡村农商文旅融合的逻辑与路径发布时间:2023-06-28  点击数:581
作 者:吴江 陈坤祥 陈浩东
摘 要:

数商兴农是2022 年中央一号文件提出的农村电子商务发展新方向,强调利用数字技术将商业与乡村产业进行深度融合。但是,当前学界对数智赋能乡村产业的逻辑与路径的认识尚不清晰。在构建数商兴农新业态过程中,应当充分利用数据、技术、智力三大赋能要素,通过数智赋能的连接、互动和聚变三大赋能作用,推进农商文旅融合的数据共享、数实融合及数字生态的建设,从而助力乡村数商兴农的突破,推动乡村三产融合的落地。


The Logic and Path of Digital-intelligence Empowered Integration Of Rural Business and Cultural Tourism in the Context of Rural Revitalization via Digital Commerce

Wu JiangChen KunxiangChen HaodongWuhan University

Abstract The "Rural Revitalization via Digital Commerce " is a new direction of rural e-commerce development proposed in China Central Government No. 1 Document for 2022, which emphasizes the deep integration of business and rural industries by digital technologies. However, the academia is still plumbing the logic and path of digital intelligence empowering rural industries. In the process of building new business formats of rural revitalization via digital commerce, making full use of the empowering elements of data, technology and intelligence, we should promote for the integration of rural business and cultural tourism the construction of data sharing, integration between digital and real economy, and digital ecology through the roles of connection, interaction and fusion of digital intelligence, so as to facilitate the breakthrough in rural revitalization via digital commerce and the integration of rural industries.

Key words rural revitalization; digital economy; integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries; digital-intelligence empowerment; Rural Revitalization via Digital Commerce; data elements


■作者简介 吴 江,管理学博士,武汉大学信息管理学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072;陈坤祥,武汉大学信息管理学院博士研究生;陈浩东,武汉大学信息管理学院博士研究生。
