20 世纪上半叶,汉语哲学界发生了三件大事:一是作为罗素访华事件的副产品,分析哲学的方法与数理逻辑的工具开始传入中国学术界;二是以金岳霖、冯友兰、张岱年为代表的中国哲学家在汇通中西哲学资源的基础上,开始建立汉语自身的新哲学体系;三是唯物辩证法开始传入中国。三股思潮剧烈碰撞,最终使得两个逻辑哲学问题成为当时学界的重要话题:一是数理逻辑能否成为各文明体哲学构建的基础框架?二是数理逻辑究竟是辩证法需要克服的对象,还是与之并行不悖,或者是形而上学构架的逻辑基础?与今日中国哲学界的风气不同,当时中国一流的哲学家特别是金岳霖与张岱年,在面对张东荪提出的“逻辑多元论”时,都愿意为数理逻辑的基础地位提出全面辩护,并且认为数理逻辑的使用既不影响哲学构建的民族特色,也不影响辩证法继续在方法论上起效。
Chinese Analytic Philosophers' Debate on Cultural Pluralism and Dialectics in 20th Century
A Survey of the Philosophy of Logic of Jin Yuelin,Zhang Dongsun and Zhang Dainian
Xu Yingjin(Fudan University)
Abstract Three big events occurred in the Chinese-speaking philosophical circle in the first half of 20th century: Firstly, as a by-product of Bertrand Russell's visit of China in 1920-1921, mathematical logic and the general methodology of analytic philosophy started to circulate in the Chinese academic circle; secondly, leading Chinese philosophers represented by Jin Yuelin, Feng Youlan and Zang Dainian, by integrating domestic and western philosophical resources, began to establish their own philosophical systems; thirdly, dialectics was also introduced into China with the spread of Marxism. The complicated interplays among the preceding three factors prompted Chinese philosophers at that time to reflex upon the following two questions concerning the nature of logic. One was whether mathematical logic could be the fundamental framework for accommodating varieties of philosophical constructions in accordance with the features of different civilizations. The other was whether mathematical logic was something that should be replaced by dialectical logic, or something that it could co-exist with, or the logical foundation for any metaphysical framework. In response to Zhang Dongsun's "logical pluralism", top Chinese philosophers like Jin Yuelin and Zhang Dainian still attempted to defend the fundamental status of mathematical logic, which would neither jeopardize the national characteristics of any philosophy nor undermine the efficacy of dialectics as a useful methodology.
Key words mathematical logic; dialectics; cultural pluralism; Jin Yuelin; Zhang Dainian; Zhang Dongsun
■作者简介 徐英瑾,哲学博士,复旦大学哲学学院教授、博士生导师;上海 200433。