与欧美国家普遍存在较长时间的实践不同,我国在制定《反垄断法》之初并未在垄断协议部分设置安全港规则,在新法修订过程中才加以补增。由于垄断协议与市场力量的联系存在特殊性,通过合理设定安全港规则的边界,能够较好地回应国内长期以来在反垄断执法与司法层面的分歧,降低法律实施成本,并在一定程度上保证反垄断规制的经济合理性。由此,纵向垄断协议的分析模式出现了新的变化:安全港规则补充了新的合法推定, 从而形成了“禁止+合法推定+豁免”的全新格局。在欧美国家实践不断变化、国内反垄断法 律制度不断完善的背景下,优化我国垄断协议安全港规则需要排除适用严重限制竞争的核心限制行为,在适用过程中合理界定相关市场,科学确定市场份额,并给予安全港规则以拓宽和限缩的空间,使其得以随着市场变化而动态调整。
The Application of Safe Harbor Rule for Monopoly Agreements In China: From Legislation to Implementation
Xu Zelin(Anhui University)
Abstract Different from the long-standing practice in European and American countries, China's Anti- Monopoly Law did not set a safe harbor rule in the monopoly agreements section at the beginning of its promulgation, and only added it during the revision process of the new law. Due to the particular connection between monopoly agreements and market forces, a safe harbor rule with boundaries reasonably set, can better respond to the long-standing differences between anti-monopoly law enforcement and judicial levels in China, reducing the implementation cost of the anti-monopoly law, and ensuring economic rationality to a certain extent. As a result, the analysis mode of vertical monopoly agreements has undergone new changes: new legal presumptions have been supplemented to the safe harbor rule, resulting in a new pattern of "prohibition + legal presumption + exemption". Under the background of the continuous changes in the practice of European and American countries and the continuous improvement of domestic anti-monopoly legal system, it is necessary to exclude the application of "core restrictions" that severely restrict competition, reasonably define the relevant market, scientifically determine market share, and give safe harbor rules room to expand and contract, allowing them to adjust dynamically as the market changes.
Key words monopoly agreements; safe harbor rules; amendments to The Anti-Monopoly Law; market forces; analytical models; digital economy; competition law; market monopoly
■作者简介 徐则林,法学博士,安徽大学法学院讲师、硕士生导师,武汉大学竞争法与竞争政策研究中心兼职研究员;安徽 合肥 230601。