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《民法典(婚姻家庭编)》的伦理、自治与强制发布时间:2023-04-28  点击数:
作 者:冉克平
摘 要:

受个人主义和自由主义思潮的影响,近年来家庭秩序与传统家国观念频受挑战。《民法典(婚姻家庭编)》规定的婚姻自由、男女平等、一夫一妻、弱者保护等原则,反映了立法者对婚姻家庭关系中的传统伦理与现代法理、家庭本位与个体自由、国家管制与家庭自治等理念的贯彻与平衡。家庭伦理与现代法理的共治旨在追求家庭共同体的完整和睦、家庭成员在情感与利益上的互利互助,以及个人尊严、自由与幸福的自我实现之间的平衡。《民法典(婚姻家庭编)》的“婚姻家庭受国家保护”原则(第1041 条第1 款)以及强调家风建设等伦理道德理念,表明婚姻家庭编兼顾维护家庭团体属性与保障成员个人自由的立法思路;婚姻家庭编基本原则所包含的实质正义理念,为法官对有关身份关系协议进行形式控制与法律审查提供了价值指引,有利于妥当平衡家庭法领域个人的自治权与弱者获得实质公平保护之间的冲突。


Ethics, Autonomy and Coercion in Marriage and Family Section of The Civil Code

Ran KepingWuhan University

Abstract Due to the influence of individualism and liberalism, the family order and the traditional concept of family and country have been challenged frequently in recent years. The principles of freedom of marriage, gender equality, monogamy, protection of the weak, etc. stipulated in The Marriage and Family Section of The Civil Code reflect the legislators' implementation and balance of traditional ethics and modern legal principles, family standard and individual freedom, state control and family autonomy in marriage and family relations. The co-governance of family ethics and modern legal principles aims to pursue the integrity and harmony of the family community, the mutual benefit and mutual assistance of family members in terms of emotions and interests, and the balance among the self-realization of individual dignity, freedom and happiness; The principle that marriage and family are protected by the state (Article 1041, paragraph 1) and the emphasis on ethics and morals such as family tradition, show that The Marriage and Family Section take into account both the family's group attributes and individual freedoms. Formal control and legal review of identity relationship agreements provide a value basis for judges to properly balance the conflict between the autonomy  of individuals in the field of family law and the substantial and fair protection of the weak.

Key words marriage and family law; family ethics; family culture; The Civil Code; family autonomy; protection of the weak


■作者简介 冉克平,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072
