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数字经济创新中的“科林格里奇困境”及其规制发布时间:2023-04-28  点击数:
作 者:宋亚辉
摘 要:



The "Colingridge Dilemma" in Digital Economy Innovation And Its Regulation

Song YahuiNanjing University

Abstract Innovation is a "double-edged sword", and so is the innovation in digital economy. With the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy, we should embrace innovation, staying alert to the unintended consequences of innovation. Since innovation is a future-oriented adventure, regulators may have difficulty predicting the direction of innovation in advance and bearing the irreversible unexpected consequences afterwards. Such a dilemma, a recurrence of "Collingridge dilemma", frustrates regulatory decisions. The static regulation model of "encourage-first-govern-later" proves to be unable to match the dynamic development of digital economy. As a countermeasure, China should abandon this two-stage regulation model and replace it with a dynamic one of synchronizing innovation with regulation. In this sense, the "planned innovation model" has its merits. The problems of information asymmetry and incentive deviation faced in this theoretical model can be alleviated by the dynamic regulatory system and its information feedback system. In the future, China should build a dynamic regulatory system based on the rule of law, guide high-quality innovation with dynamic regulatory standards, and feed back the regulatory system with innovation achievements, so as to ensure that market regulation laws adapt to the dynamic development of digital economy.

Key words digital economy; business model innovation; market regulation; encourage-first-govern-later; "Colingridge Dilemma"


■作者简介 宋亚辉,法学博士,南京大学法学院教授、博士生导师;江苏 南京 210093

