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《沙家浜》“胡司令”生成记 ——兼论社会主义文艺反面人物叙述经验发布时间:2023-04-28  点击数:
作 者:张均 薛蒙
摘 要:

现代革命京剧《沙家浜》及其前身沪剧《芦荡火种》取材于“新四军江南抗日义勇军”36 位伤病员真实抗日事迹,其中胡司令也以现实中的胡肇汉为原型。不过,现实生活中的胡肇汉残忍、嗜杀,相较于艺术形象胡司令,《沙家浜》对人物原型有明显美化之嫌。何以要冒天下之大不韪美化革命的敌人?这与社会主义文艺独特的反面人物叙述经验有关。呈现在《沙家浜》中的胡司令,既不是原型追求“乱世英雄”之梦的自我,也非他者建构可以简括,而是一种应传统“斗”之喜剧机制要求而生的坏得可爱的反面人物。此种兼容革命讲述与大众之法的反面人物叙述法,是值得总结、重视的社会主义文艺经验。


On the Role Evolvement of Commander Hu in Sha Jia Bang

The Narrative Experience of Negative Figures in Socialist Literature and Art

Zhang Jun, Xue MengSun Yat-sen University

Abstract The modern revolutionary Peking Opera Sha Jia Bang and its predecessor Shanghai opera Spark Amid the Reeds are all based on the real anti-Japanese deeds of 36 sick and wounded soldiers from Jiangnan Anti-Japanese Volunteers of the New Fourth Army, among whom Hu Zhanhan is the prototype of Commander Hu. Contrary to cruel and bloodthirsty Hu Zhanhan in real life, the artistic image of Commander Hu in Sha Jia Bang is obviously beautified. Why should we defy universal condemnation and beautify the enemies of the revolution? It actually is related to the unique narrative experience of the negative characters in socialist literature and art. In Sha Jia Bang, Commander Hu is not a prototype who pursues the dream of "a hero in troubled times", nor some image simply constructed by others, but a kind of bad and lovely figure depicted according to the traditional comedy mechanism of "fighting". This kind of negative-figures narrative, which combines revolutionary narratives and public preferences, is a socialist literary experience worthy of summarization and due attention.

Key words Sha Jia Bang; Commander Hu; Model Operas; comedy


■作者简介 张 均,文学博士,中山大学中文系教授、博士生导师;广东 广州 510275 蒙,中山大学中文系博士研究生。
