On Premise Presupposition in Theoretical Thinking of Political Philosophy
Yan Mengwei(Nankai University)
Abstract An important difference between practical philosophical theoretical thinking and scientific theoretical thinking is that the former must be based on a certain metaphysical presupposition, otherwise it will inevitably appear to be empirical in the study of practical philosophy. The study of contemporary political philosophy on justice issues obviously has taken on empirical characteristics. Wood's proposition denied Marx's argument on the injustice of capitalism, which as been generally refuted by the academia, but most refutations failed by denying the existence of universal and ultimate value principle in Marxist political philosophy while still trying to find evidence from the empirical world, so the confuting to wood's thesis is not successful, missing the weak link in Wood's proposition. In fact, the essence of human freedom and its reality is the premise presupposition of Marx's political philosophy theory. Denying this premise will dispel the criticism of Marx's political philosophy theory. Only by adhering to this premise can the construction of contemporary Marxist political philosophy shift from the vision of ''civil society'' and into that of ''human society''.
Key words political philosophy; theoretical thinking; premise presupposes; the essence of human freedom
■作者简介 阎孟伟,哲学博士,南开大学—中国社会科学院大学21 世纪马克思主义研究院教授,南开大学哲学院教授;天津 300071。