Marriage Squeeze and Changes in Rural Inter-generational Relations
Sun Xinhua(Anhui University)
Abstract The increasingly severe marriage squeeze has had a broad and far-reaching impact on our society, especially on rural inter-generational relations. The male marriage squeeze in rural areas in our country demonstrates a dual marriage squeeze phenomenon in both the first marriage market and the remarriage market. The marriage squeeze in the first marriage market makes it difficult for the older male youth in rural areas to get married, which not only produces a large number of bachelors, but also causes a high cost of marriage. The marriage squeeze in the remarriage market makes women more dominant in marriage and married men face great divorce risks and remarriage difficulties. Under the action of inter-generational responsibility, the difficulty of male match caused by marriage squeeze is further transformed into the difficulty of parents, which makes the inter-generational relationship change in exchange relationship and dominance relationship. On the one hand, in order for their children to get married successfully and maintain marriage stability, rural parents have to not only pay high marriage costs for their children, but also provide more rigid and long-term support for their children after marriage, thus making the already tilted exchange relationship even more un‐ balanced. On the other hand, in order to stabilize the marital relationship of their children, rural parents have to actively or passively reduce their family status and transfer their power and even rights, thus further reducing the reversed parental status. The distorted inter-generational relationship makes rural middle-aged and elderly parents suffer from both mental and economic burdens. In the face of structural pressures, they are powerless to change themselves and need state and social intervention. To be specific, interventions can be started from such three aspects as promoting changing customs, rebuilding family ethics and building community atmosphere.
Key words dual marriage squeeze; inter-generational responsibility; inter-generational imbalance; family tradition construction; rural marriage matching problem; relationship between mother-in-law and daughter- in-law
■ 作者简介 孙新华,法学博士,安徽大学社会与政治学院副教授、硕士生导师;安徽 合肥 230601。