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疫情中的社会治理策略: 社会团结与传染病菌的对抗发布时间:2023-02-28  点击数:
作 者:王天夫
摘 要:



Social Governance Strategy in the Epidemic: Social Solidarity and the Fight against Infectious Diseases

Wang Tianfu (Tsinghua University)

Abstract The disease caused by novel corona-virus infection does harm to the health and life safety of individuals and the public health crisis has serious social consequences in the wider social scope. In terms of more profound social consequencesnovel corona-virus is social. It spreads between people through social connections and its spatial structure overlaps with the spatial arrangement of social structurebringing different impacts to different social groups. More fundamentallythe spread of novel coronavirus also destroys social connectionsdirectly attacks social unity and shakes the fundamental foundation of "society as society". Infectious diseases have an irreconcilable confrontation with the societythe plague can shake the trajectory of social developmentand even endanger human social civilization and culture. Both theoretical and practical experiences testify that consolidated social unity and cooperation constitute the social premise and foundation for coping with the challenge of infectious diseases.

Key words infectious disease; COVID-19 pandemic; social connectivity; social solidarity; community of shared future for mankind; sociology of risk


  作者简介 王天夫,社会学博士,清华大学社会学系教授、博士生导师;北京 100084

