区块链金融的飞速发展对国家的司法治理带来巨大挑战,特别是稳定币的司 法裁判呈现大量类案异判现象,严重影响法秩序统一和风险治理效能。立法供给不足和司法裁判规则的缺失、金融类规范性文件介入司法裁判的限度不清和技术金融融合背景下稳定币的多重复杂性,是稳定币司法治理难的主要原因。我国应采取体系化的思路建构回应模式:在立法和司法政策认可稳定币虚拟财产/财产利益属性的基础上,审慎界定公序良俗, 形塑金融法与民商法兼容协同的裁判规则,适时修正全面禁止的监管执法和司法政策,完善金融类规范性文件的有效审查与解释机制,发挥类案类判和案例指导制度的规范指引作用并统一规范秩序,提升我国稳定币乃至区块链金融、数字金融的治理能力和水平。
Predicament and Resolution of Blockchain Finance Judicial Governance
An Analysis based on Judicial Cases Related to Stablecoins
Deng Jianpeng,Zhang Xiaming(Central University of Finance and Economics)
Abstract The rapid development of blockchain finance has brought huge challenges to national judicial governance. In particular, the judicial practices of stablecoins have continuously shown "different judgments in similar cases", which has seriously affected the unity of legal order and the effectiveness of risk governance. Insufficient legislative supply and lack of judicial rules, unclear limits of financial normative documents intervening in judicial process. The multiple complexities and objective realities of stablecoins under the integration of technology and finance are the main reasons why the judicial practice of stablecoins is difficult. China should adopt a systematic approach to constructing a response model by recognizing the virtual property attributes of stablecoins on the basis of legislative and judicial policies, carefully defining public order and good customs to shape judgment rules that are coordinated with financial law and civil law and amending the regulatory policies of comprehensive prohibition in a timely manner. Moreover, we should also improve the effective interpretation and examination mechanism of financial normative documents, give play to the guiding role of "like cases be treated alike" mechanism and the case guidance system, unify the legal or‐ der so as to improve our governance capabilities to stablecoins and even blockchain finance (and digital finance).
Key words stablecoins; blockchain finance; similar cases be treated alike; virtual property; digital financial supervision; digital economy; USDT
■ 作者简介 邓建鹏,法学博士,中央财经大学法学院教授、博士生导师;北京 100081;