Land Market Optimism, Commercial Land Pricing Premium and Corporate Financialization
Cai Qingfeng, Liu Hao(Xiamen University)
Abstract In the context of promoting high-quality economic development, strengthening modern financial regulation helps guide financial activities back to the real economy. As an important part of China's economic and social reform, the market-oriented reform of land factors has reshaped the development mode of regional economy and the optimism in the commercial land market is profoundly influencing the flow of social capital and firms' investment behavior. While increasing the premium rate of commercial land, this optimism can improve the financialization of firms by increasing the overconfidence degree of CEOs and easing the financing constraints of firms, which is more obvious when firms lack external financial resources and have low internal regulatory pressure. The effect of optimism in the commercial land market on firms' financial investment decisions is more pronounced when the firms are non-state owned and are in cities with higher financial concentration and this promotion effect can further increase firms' over-investment degree. The optimism in the commercial land market provides a theoretical explanation for their financial investment behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that the internal and external regulatory environment of market subjects should be strengthened in order to guide the economy to move from being virtual to a real entity.
Key words land market; commercial land; corporate financialization; internal governance
■ 作者简介 蔡庆丰,经济学博士,厦门大学经济学院教授、博士生导师;福建 厦门 361005;刘 昊,厦门大学经济学院博士研究生。