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金融科技投入与不良贷款风险缓释 ——来自北京230 家银行支行的微观证据发布时间:2023-02-28  点击数:
作 者:王海军 刘超 龙腾
摘 要:

金融科技具有管理风险的天然属性,在全球金融机构加快推进数字化和金融 科技战略背景下,研究中小商业银行基础支行层面应用金融科技化解不良贷款风险的能力, 对银行防范化解区域不良贷款风险、改善经营绩效具有重要现实意义。以信息技术人员投入、信息软件和硬件投入为代表的金融科技投入能显著降低不良贷款风险,发挥风险缓释作用,进而明显改善银行业绩,其中信息技术人员投入作用最为显著。金融科技对不良贷款风险缓释作用具有滞后性,金融科技投入、不良贷款风险缓释与经营绩效提升之间存在正反馈机制。上述作用机制在数据治理应用、合规执行和内控执行更好的银行支行表现较为显著。


Fintech Investment and Non-performing Loan Risk Mitigation

Micro-evidence from 230 Branches of Commercial Banks in Beijing

Wang HaijunBeijing Wuzi University

Liu ChaoBank of Beijing

Long TengYunnan University

Abstract Fintech has a natural attribute of managing risks. Under the background of accelerating promotion of digitalization and fintech strategy among global financial institutions, it is of great practical significance for banks to study the ability of applying fintech to resolve the risk of non-performing loans at the level of basic branches of small and medium-sized commercial banks. Financial technology investment represented by information technology personnel investment as well as information software and hardware investment  can reduce the risk of non-performing loans, play a role in risk mitigation and improve bank performance significantly. Among them, the investment of information technology personnel is the most significant. Fintech has a lagging tendency in mitigating the risk of non-performing loans and there exists a positive feedback mechanism between fintech investment, risk mitigation of non-performing loans and improvement of business performance. The above action mechanism is more significant in bank branches with better data governance application, compliance implementation and internal control implementation.

Key words   fintech; non-performing loans; risk mitigation; compliance operation


  作者简介 王海军,经济学博士,北京物资学院经济学院中国投资者教育与保护研究中心研究员;北京 101126;刘 超,北京银行股份有限公司高级经济师;北京 101100

龙 腾(通讯作者),云南大学经济学院博士研究生;云南 昆明 650504
