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马克思研究资本问题的双重逻辑发布时间:2023-02-28  点击数:
作 者:晏辉
摘 要:

马克思对资本主义制度的研究,本质上是政治经济学批判。他适度吸收了国 民经济学的研究成果,将对资本的研究提升到经济哲学和经济人类学的高度。经济哲学构成了马克思的研究方法,经济人类学构成了马克思的研究目的,它们共同构成了马克思政治经济学批判的核心内容。马克思研究资本问题的双重逻辑充分体现出他正视现代性,重视现代性,又通过批判现代性而超越现代性的内在理路。资本的运行逻辑及其人类学后果构成了现代性的经济形态;资本与劳动的分离又造成了劳动者与劳动产品的分离,私有制是现代性的政治形态;普遍的交换和全面的需求体系使基于资本运行逻辑之上的广泛交往成为必然。于是,一种超越地区、民族和国家边界的世界历史交往得以形成,全球化、世界化是现代性的社会形态。只有彻底消灭劳动异化,消灭违背正义原则的私有制,才能回归人本身, 实现每个人自由而全面的发展。简约地说,资本、私有制、世界化和人的自由而全面发展构成了马克思研究资本逻辑的内在结构,经济哲学和经济人类学构成了马克思揭示这种结构的方法论基础。这些哲学画面勾勒出马克思资本研究的一个清晰内在逻辑:资本——私有制——历史交往——人类解放。


The Dual Logic of Marx's Studies on the Problem of Capital

Yan HuiShanghai Normal University

Abstract Marx's studies on the capitalist system is ''a critique of political economy'' in nature. Marx moderately absorbed the results of national economics and raised the study of capital up to the height of economic philosophy and economic anthropology. Economic philosophy constitutes Marx's research method, and economic anthropology constitutes his research purpose, which jointly form the core content of Marx's ''critique of political economy''. The dual logic of Marx's research on the problem of capital fully reflects the immanent rationale of Marx's confronting modernity, taking modernity seriously and transcending modernity through criticizing modernity. The operation logic of capital and its anthropological consequence shape the economic form of modernity; the separation of capital and labor leads to the separation of workers and products of labor, and private ownership is the political form of modernity. Universal exchange and a comprehensive demand system make extensive exchanges on the basis of the logic of capital operation inevitable. Therefore, a kind of world historical exchange transcending the boundaries of regions, peoples and countries has been formed and globalization and cosmopolitanization are then the social forms of modernity. Only by completely eliminating the alienation of labor and by eradicating private property that violates the principle of justice can we return to man himself and realize the ideal of "free and all-round development" of everyone, which constitutes Marx's moral ideal of transcending modernity. In a nutshell, capital, private property, cosmopolitanism and "free and all-round development" form the immanent structure of Marx's studies on the logic of capital, while economic philosophy and economic anthropology constitute the methodological basis for Marx's revelation of this structure. And these philosophical pictures show a distinct immanent logic: capital--- private ownership---historical communication---human liberation.

Key words   labor; capital; ontology of labor; economic philosophy; economic anthropology


  作者简介 晏 辉,哲学博士,上海师范大学哲学与法政学院教授、博士生导师;上海 200234
