清代是官学登峰造极的时代,清代官学的实质是帝王之学。作为清代重大国家文化工程的《四库全书》和《钦定四库全书总目》修纂,是清王朝建构帝王之学的重要举措。清代帝王难以拥有绝对话语权,因为受到两种压迫:一种压迫来自身份相同的前代帝王;另一种压迫来自儒者群体,儒者群体已经抢先一步占据着思想和文化的优越地位。故尔,尊今贬古、尊清贬明以凌厉前代,尊王贬儒以压服儒者群体,这种“言而世为天下则”的帝王之学就成为统摄百家的最高轨范。清代帝王之学有两个根本点,将帝王的文化心态和牧民方法悉数纳入,一是“圣人之道大,兼收并蓄”,二是“群言淆乱而折诸圣”。帝王之学的建构是清 王朝达到思想一统的政治手段,也是理解《四库全书》和《钦定四库全书总目》以及清代政治、思想、文化、学术的总纲。
Doctrines of the Emperor: The Imperial Collection of Four And The Catalogue in the Construction of Qing's Official Education
He Zongmei(Southwest University)
Abstract Official education reached its peak in Qing Dynasty, a time when the essence of official education was the doctrines of the emperor. The compilation of the Imperial Collection of Four and the Catalogue of the Imperial Collection of Four (the Catalogue for short) as Qing Dynasty’ s major national cultural project, was an important measure in the construction of official education. Two forces had restrained the Qing Emperors from having absolute power of speech, namely, their predecessors in history and the Confucians who had already held dominant positions in thoughts and culture. Therefore, the doctrines of the emperor depreciate preceding dynasties and despise the Confucians so that Qing dynasty and the emperor’ s role are honored. The doctrines of the emperor, that is, “words are the norm to the country for generations”, became the supreme model for unifying all schools of thought. There are two fundamental points of the doctrines incorporating the emperors’ cultural mentality and governing arts. Firstly, “The way of the sage is great and all-embracing”, and secondly, “When opinions vary, follow the sages”. The construction of the doctrines of the emperor was the political means that Qing dynasty used to achieve ideological unity. It is also the general outline for understanding the Imperial Collection of Four and the Catalogue, as well as the politics, thoughts, culture and academia of Qing dynasty.
Key words the doctrines of the emperor; the Imperial Collection of Four; the Catalogue of the Imperial Collection of Four; the construction of official education
■ 作者简介 何宗美,文学博士,西南大学文学院教授、博士生导师;重庆 400715。