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重塑数据流量入口:元宇宙的发展逻辑与规制路径发布时间:2023-01-06  点击数:
作 者:杨东 梁伟亮
摘 要:

作为数字经济发展的高级阶段,元宇宙的意义主要在于对移动互联网的迭代 升级,重构和再造数据流量入口,实现数据价值的全面发挥,并重塑生产协作方式、组织方式和生活方式,促进人的全面自由发展。元宇宙的发展和治理应充分吸取过往数字经济治理的经验和教训,在完善制度供给的基础上促使数据要素转化为资源优势,在增强市场主体竞争力同时推进数字中国建设。相应制度供给应从去中心化的技术特征入手,围绕数据为核心资源要素,着力促进数据价值实现和数据利益的公平分配。在元宇宙治理中强调以链治链为主的理念,并围绕数据资源要素进行反垄断的制度设计,在元宇宙数据价值分配上, 引入共票制度构建相应的规制体系。


Reshaping Data Traffic Portal:

The Developmental Logic and Regulatory Path of the Metaverse

Yang DongLiang WeiliangRenmin University of China

Abstract As an advanced stage of the development of digital economy, the significance of the Meta‐ verse mainly lies in the iterative upgrade of the mobile Internet, the reconstruction and reengineering of data traffic entrances, the full play of data value, and the reshaping of production collaboration methods, organizational methods, and lifestyles to promote the full and free development of human beings. The development and governance of the Metaverse should fully draw on the experience and lessons of past digital economy governance, promote the transformation of data elements into resource advantages on the basis of improving system supply, and promote the construction of "Digital China" while enhancing the competitiveness of market players. The corresponding system supply should start with the technical characteristics of decentralization, focus on data as the core resource element, and strive to promote the realization of data value and the fair distribution of data benefits. In the Metaverse governance, the concept of "the governance of blockchain by Regchain" is emphasized, and the anti-monopoly system design is carried out around the elements of data resources. In the Metaverse data value distribution, the "coken" mechanism is introduced to build a corresponding regulatory system.

Key words Metaverse; traffic portal; data elements; digital economy; digital civilization; data value allocation; meta-platform; theory of coken


    作者简介 杨 东,法学博士,中国人民大学元宇宙研究中心研究员、博士生导师,区块链研究院执行院长;北京100872梁伟亮(通讯作者),法学博士,中国人民大学法学院讲师。
