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论中国共产党坚持自我革命的宪法基础发布时间:2023-01-06  点击数:
作 者:秦前红 刘怡达
摘 要:



On the Constitutional Foundation for the CPC's Self-reform

Qin QianhongWuhan University

Liu YidaHunan University

Abstract The current Chinese Constitution is the product of CPC's self-reform, which also reserves an institutional possibility for its future self-reform. "All power belongs to the people" in the Constitution pro‐ vides courage for CPC's self-reform; the "upholding truth, correcting errors" in the preamble constitutes the way of its self-reform; the provisions on the Commissions of Supervision are a manifestation of self-reform in the system. Promoting self-reform is to better advance social renovation, whose core content is stipulated in the fundamental task of our country. Therefore, to lead the social renovation by self-reform, it is necessary to revise the deviation of cognition to make a scientific setting for the task, and to enhance the advancement of the CPC so that the party can lead the Chinese people to complete the task. As the two answers to the question of how to escape the historical cycle of rise and fall, people's democracy and self-reform are not mutually exclusive but complementary. People's democracy provides exogenous impetus for self-reform, and self-re‐ form makes people's democracy more effective. In order to promote self-reform in a long-term and orderly manner, it is essential to build the systems and regulations for the Party's self-reform based on the Constitution, which have a pluralistic composition, so the basic role of the Constitution is not the same. On the one hand, the party's self-reform is essentially the building of the Party, which is the focus of intra-party regulations. Those intra-party regulations in the systems and regulations for the Party's self-reform cannot be in conflict with the Constitution. On the other hand, a part of self-reform has been transformed into the performance of functions and powers of state organs, which requires the formulation of relevant laws in accordance with the Constitution so that state organs such as the Commissions of Supervision have a complete basis for exercising the functions and powers.

Key words the spirit of the 20th CPC national congress; the systems and regulations for the Party's self-reform; the social transformation; Chinese Constitution; the reform of the national oversight system; people's democracy


    作者简介 秦前红,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072刘怡达,法学博士,湖南大学法学院副教授;湖南 长沙 410082
