在新冠疫情的背景下,中美贸易摩擦加速向“超贸易”领域演变。中国的快速 崛起与美国霸权主义之间的根本矛盾,叠加美国利益集团和精英阶层的强烈干预,使得中美竞争和摩擦长期持续,对中美两国产生多方面冲击,严重影响世界经济。一方面,拜登治下的美国政府所主导的中美贸易摩擦不会停止,反而会加速向高科技、国家安全、意识形态等 “超贸易”领域扩散,呈现多点爆发、打击精准化、冲突常态化、竞争复杂化的特点;另一方面, 中美战略竞争的整体方向不变,但美国对华竞争的手段和方式将趋于理性化和弹性化。中 美仍然存在达成“竞合”关系的可能。中国应积极应对中美贸易摩擦向多领域蔓延,推动中 美关系健康稳定发展。
The Transformation of Sino-U.S. Trade Friction and China's Countermeasures under the COVID-19 Pandemic
Shi Benye ,Yang Fujia(Jilin University)
Abstract Under the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sino-U. S. trade friction is spreading to Super-trade fields rapidly. The Sino-U.S. competition and friction will last for a long period under the impact of the fundamental contradiction between the rise of China and American hegemonism as well as the strong intervention of interest groups and elites in the United States, which has multiple impacts on China and the United States, and affects the global economy seriously. On the one hand, Sino-U.S. trade friction led by the
Key words COVID-19 pandemic;Sino-U.S. trade friction;Super-trade
■ 作者简介 史本叶,经济学博士,吉林大学经济学院教授、博士生导师;吉林 长春 130012;