生命政治就是政治权力直接作用于我们生物性生命的政治。人类政治变化的历史曾经历了四个不同的阶段。首先就是政治和家庭的二分,它导致生物性生命被排斥在政治领域之外。在近代,颅相学成为区分文明和自由社会与野蛮的自然社会的标志,生物学成为区分政治与非政治的尺度。在对19 世纪的监狱历史的梳理中,福柯发现了现代规训社会的兴起,例如,人的生命被档案化,成为一种治理工具,当代资本主义通过规训手段在微观层面实现身体的正常化,在宏观层面上实现人口的生命政治治理。今天,在大数据技术和算法技术广泛使用的背景下,所有人的生物性生命都被数据化,成为基于数据库治理的控制社会,这是智能时代的数字—生命政治,是面向未来的生命政治学。
What is Biopolitics
Lan Jiang(Nanjing University)
Abstract Biopolitics is the politics of political power acting directly on our biological life. In the his‐ tory of human political change, there have been four distinct phases. The first was the dichotomy between pol‐ itics and the family, which led to the exclusion of biological life from the political sphere. In the modern era, phrenology became the symbolic that distinguished civilised and free societies from barbaric natural societ‐ ies, and biology became the measure that distinguished politics from non-politics. I In his combing through the history of prisons in the 19th century, Foucault identifies the rise of modern regimented societies, where, for example, human life is archived as an instrument of governance and contemporary capitalism normalises the body at the micro level through the means of regimentation and the political governance of the life of the population at the macro level. Today, in the context of the widespread use of big data technology and algorithmic technology, the biological life of all people is datafied and becomes a controlled society based on data‐ base governance, which is the digital biopolitics of the intelligent age and a future-oriented biopolitics.
Key words digital biopolitics; biological life; political philosophy; big data technology; data governance
■ 作者简介 蓝 江,哲学博士,南京大学哲学系教授、博士生导师,南京大学马克思主义社会理论研究中心教授;江苏 南京 210046。