江西曾经是国之要地、经济文化的中心和最发达的区域之一,尤其宋代以来,江西人在科举、仕宦、辞章、学术、科技、艺术等各个方面都具有首要的贡献。江西文学莫与比次,文士云兴,辞章霞蔚,大家辈出,百世流芳。尤以朝士半赣,多有位极人臣,仕望文章, 相得益彰。而且根于学问,溢为艺术,或经史为本,或心性所发,乃至百家学艺,亦兼才性辞章。江西素号“文章节义之邦”,每当国家危难之际,江西士人总有舍生取义的铮铮表现,这也反映倔强争胜的赣人气性,在文学创作上显示为精神相通的普遍性。
Jiangxi, Jiangxi People and the Literature of Jiangxi in Chinese History
Yi Wenxiao(Guizhou Normal University)
Abstract Jiangxi was once a national political, military, economic and cultural center, as well as one of the most developed regions in China. Since the Song Dynasty, Jiangxi people have made a great contribution in many aspects, such as imperial examinations, being officials, literature, academy, science and technology, art, and so on. Furthermore, the literature of Jiangxi was unprecedented, with eminent literati and epideictic masterpieces, which was home to a wealth of immortal masters. Imperial officials from Jiangxi accounted for more than 50% of the officials in the imperial court with several dignitaries, being officials and being literati highlighted each other. Many people in Jiangxi learned art and created profound works, being rooted in knowledge while evolving into art, and being rooted in classics and history while developing from disposition,. Jiangxi was always called the State of Integrity since the literati of Jiangxi sacrificed their life for righteousness and valued the sense of right and wrong whenever the country was in danger, manifesting the perseverance and competitive characteristics of Jiangxi people and reflecting the generality of spiritual interrelation in literature creation.
Key words the literature of Jiangxi;the west of Yangtze River;Ouyang Xiu; Huang Tingjian;Tang Xianzu
■ 作者简介 易闻晓,文学博士,贵州师范大学文学院教授、博士生导师;贵州 贵阳 550001。