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法治化营商环境的区域特征、差距缘由与优化对策发布时间:2021-07-06  点击数:
作 者:许中缘 范沁宁
摘 要:



Regional Characteristics, Reasons of Differences and Optimization Countermeasures of a Law-based Business Environment

Xu ZhongyuanFan Qinning ( Central South University)

Abstract  The improvement of a law-based business environment is an important driving force for high-quality economic development. While the Chinese central government is steadily promoting the construction of business environmentlocal governments should also timely examine the degree of their own constructionand accurately match with the law-based process of China's business environment. An independent and interactive analysis combined with bibliometric and text content analysis was conducted on the policy text of a law-based business environmentwhich can reveal the different characteristics of each region. The eastern region is an overall excellent typethe central region is a stable foundation typethe western region is a lag catch-up typeand the northeast region is a single governance type. The root of the regional gap  at the system level is the unreasonable configuration of local horizontal power. In this line of thoughtwe can obtain the optimal countermeasures. The central and western regions need to change from policy governance to legal governance and strengthen local legislative activitiesthe centralwestern and northeastern regions need to transform from independent governance to collaborative governanceand promote the joint issuance of papers by various departmentsthe northeast should shift from administrative supervision to judicial protection and increase the quality of judicial documents. Each region should  formulate a local business legal environment assessment system.

Key words  business environment; local legislation; policy texts; regional differences; collaborative governance; power allocation


■ 作者简介  许中缘,法学博士,中南大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖南 长沙  410012

