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政治信任风险视角下的政治安全逻辑发布时间:2021-07-06  点击数:
作 者:胡象明
摘 要:



The Logic of Political Security from the Perspective Of Political Trust Risk

Hu XiangmingBeihang University

Abstract  Political trust includes the trust among elements of the internal structure of the political system and the trust to the political system among external factors including citizens. The former trust can be called internal trust, and the latter can be called external trust. There exist risks inevitably in the modern risk society, whether it is internal trust or external trust. The formation and evolution of political trust and its risks are influenced by both political culture and political system. Political security has its own logic, including internal security logic of political system, external security logic, and the interaction security logic between internal organization system and external environment force. From the perspective of risk theory, the risk of political trust has a transmission effect on political security. There is a specific logical relationship between political trust risk and political security risk, including  internal trust risk, external trust risk, or the interaction of internal and external trust risk. Therefore, preventing and resolving political trust risk plays an important role in preventing and resolving political security risk and maintaining national political security.

Key words  political trustpolitical securitytrust risksecurity riskrisk management


■ 作者简介  胡象明,政治学博士,北京航空航天大学公共管理学院教授、博士生导师,北京航空航天大学安全应急管理研究中心主任,广西大学中国—东盟公共治理研究院特聘教授;北京 100191
