厘清公共卫生事件应急管理部门结构的关键特征是中国公共卫生应急管理体系“补短板、堵漏洞、强弱项”的基础工作之一。对2003年抗击传染性非典型肺炎(简称“非典”)、2009年防控新型甲型H1N1流感(简称“甲流”)、2020 年应对新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情三个案例的研究表明,在重大公共卫生事件应急管理中,政府部门间合作网络发生了如下变化:在整体网络层面,随着重大公共卫生事件复杂性增强和应对机制的完善,组织间的合作更为频繁,地位也更加平等,网络结构趋向于密集化和均衡化;在个体网层面,核心区域的组织规模不断扩大,核心区域组织及其承担的功能更加多元化。建议从增强牵头部门权威与加强核心部门管理两方面入手,完善联防联控机制。
The Change of Interagency Networks in the Emergency Management of Public Health Incidents
Zhang Haibo, Tao Zhigang (Nanjing University)
Abstract Identifying the key structural features of emergency management of public health incidents is an essential task for the improvement of the performance of the emergency management system of public hearth incidents in China. From the perspective of interagency networks, this paper constructs an analysis framework at two levels of the whole networks and the ego networks by selecting three cases, namely, the 2003 SARS, the 2009 H1N1, and the 2020 COVID-19, to discuss the changes of the cooperation between various governmental agencies in the emergency management of major public health incidents. The quantitative analysis based on 262 policy documents issued during the three epidemics shows that at the level of the whole network, cooperation between agencies becomes more frequent and the status is more equal, and the network structure tends to be dense and balanced, as the complexity of major public health events increases and the response mechanism improves,. At the level of ego networks, the scale of organizations in the core area continues to expand, and the core area organizations and their functions are more diversified. Finally, this study proposes to improve the joint prevention and control mechanism by enhancing the authority of the lead department and strengthening the management of core members.
Key words emergency management; public health incidents; governmental interagency networks; network analysis; COVID-19
■ 作者简介 张海波,管理学博士,南京大学政府管理学院教授、博士生导师、副院长,南京大学社会风险与公共危机管理研究中心执行主任;江苏 南京 210023;