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全球价值链嵌入会增加雾霾污染吗?——基于空间溢出视角的考察发布时间:2021-07-06  点击数:
作 者:史本叶 马晓丽
摘 要:



Can Global Value Chain Embedding Increase Haze Pollution?

A Test from the Perspective of Spatial Spillover

Shi BenyeMa Xiaoli Jilin University

Abstract  This paper constructs a theoretical model to account for the impact of global value chain (GVC) embedding on urban haze pollution on the basis of the Copeland-Taylor model, and uses the spatial lag model to conduct an empirical investigation. The results show that haze pollution in China has obvious positive spatial spillover effects and high emission club agglomeration characteristics. There is a significant inverted U-shaped relationship between GVC embedding and haze pollution. Moreover, there is a significant inverted U-shaped relationship in the central and western cities, whereas the eastern region has crossed the inflection point value of inverted U-shaped curve. An active participation in the GVC division of labor can significantly reduce haze pollution for eastern areas. Traffic congestion and traditional manufacturing are still the major factors for heavy haze pollution. Population agglomeration, technological progress and foreign direct investment can inhibit haze pollution effectively. Based on the above conclusions, it is suggested that cities should break down the administrative barriers between each other and establish inter-regional joint prevention and control mechanism so as to strengthen the "local club group" to control haze pollution together. The government should identify and screen high-quality foreign investment into China, promote the optimization of the industrial structure, improve public transport facilities, and increase energy efficiency and energy cleaning technology to effectively control haze pollution in China.

Key words  global value chainecological civilizationhaze pollutionspatial effects


■ 作者简介  史本叶,经济学博士,吉林大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,吉林大学美国研究所副所长,吉林省国际经济贸易学会副会长;吉林 长春 130012

